Brags and Wags
Some of our puppies reviews from their new homes. If you have a Red Moon Lab, please send us a review to include.
Hello Kandi!
Yesterday was Lad’s 1 year birthday! We thought you might want to see your big boy a year later so here he is…all 90lbs. I must tell you his retrieve is excellent…really took to the water this past spring. We love him dearly!
Elly has been a true gift from day one. She is doing great. I think if I put her smile up against her mothers she would win all teeth squinted eyes it is a hoot, it makes her sneeze-so she has figured out if she puts a toy or blanket in her mouth she can still squint her eyes but not sneeze. With in the last month she has really stated to catch on to fetch outside-it took awhile anything at first distracted her out there- she just had to get used to her outdoor environment. Put in an invisible fence and it is going very well, our little girl always did listen to me -not so much to Bob if she thought she could run 3 lots down and see their lab pup away she went. She would always stop and look at him when called-and then run off:). Bob is loving the invisible fence. Do to the cold water temperature, my knee operation, and our traveling I have only tried to get her in the lake once-She wanted nothing to do with it! jewel was the same way slow starter too and then loved it. I will have to take some recent pictures of her and then figure out how to get them e-mailed to you. She is leggy, and lean then again maybe we just got used to short and square after Jewel. I take her to work with me and she and Diesel my son’s English bull dog get along great, and when we travel or if I think she is bored I take her to Pet Smart to play with other dogs. Since we were gonea week in March and now 2 week in early june I think they could name the place Elly Smart:) She is my true companion always by my side right now curled up in a chair in my office, at night on the couch by me, sleeps in bed with us or her kennel which is in our bedroom. When we left her this time I said to Bob do you think she will remember me and want to leave all the dogs at Pet Smart? His answer, she is a bright dog she Knows she has the good life and could not be loved more. Thank you Kandi – for she is MY JOY:)
Hi Kandi, it’s Jon again. First off, I just want to say thank you so much for such an unbelievable dog. I honestly couldn’t have hoped for anything better. He’s far exceeded any expectations I could have had.

I know that I am entirely prejudiced, but I think Ginger is the smartest puppy I’ve ever had! She seems to understand sit, she retrieves, she actually heels, she sleeps all night, she’s learnt how to go up stairs, but going down is still too scary. She seems to have won the cats over, and they even tolerate her wanting to play. Of course, she’s not a teenager yet…..
Everyone thinks she’s very beautiful, and our friends want to take her home with them.
We’re scheduled for the third set of shots for 3/29.
Thank you so much for letting Miss Ginger become part of our family. She’s a wonderful puppy.
Will keep you posted!

First off, I’d like to apologize for not updating you on Tanner’s wellbeing since you sent him to me. Tanner was one of Red and Sailor’s male puppies from two summers ago. I believe you kept his brother for yourself. This email is long overdue and I regret not thanking you sooner.
Tanner is more than I could have ever wished for. He is a perfect companion and friend. He has so imbedded himself in our family that my parents insist on referring to him as their grandson. He loves the water and is a star retriever. In addition, he is extremely obedient. I am continually amazed at the level of intelligence he displays. I honestly never expected such a wonderful dog. He has such an amazing personality, I sometimes have to remind myself that he is in fact a dog and not human. Perhaps I’m a bit bias, but I dont think I have ever met another dog that exhibits such desirable qualities as Tanner. It is a true testament to you as a breeder, and I just wanted to say thank you.
I have also attached a few pictures of him as a puppy till now.
Thank you for the best dog and friend I could have ever asked for,
This is Nathan from over in McLeansboro, Illinois. I purchased a red lab puppy from your Maggie and Ammo. I just wanted to let you know that I am so happy with him. His “registered” name is “Red Moon’s Red Dog Deke” and we call him Deke. He has been the best dog I have ever owned. I am currently training him and we are both excitedly waiting duck season. In October we will be traveling to Colorado for a little pre-season fun. I have very high hopes for his future, next month he will compete in his first UKC hunt test at only 10 months old. I have attached some pictures for you to see how he looks,
Thanks again!!!!
Hi Kandi,
It’s been a while, and I wanted to give you an update on how Allie was progressing. In short and to sum it up, she is simply an amazing dog. From the start, it was obvious she had a great personality, loved to play with the kids and and was going to be a great addition to the family. But what has been most surprising is her natural hunting/retrieving drive and her ability to quickly grasp new commands and situations. I’ve hunted behind dozens of different dogs over the years including Bailey, my own previous lab of 14 years, and honestly can’t say that any of them has/had the natural drive Allie has.
This past weekend was dove season opener and I took Allie and my two kids, Mackenzie (13) and Luke (11) to Southwest OK to the family fields. Early in Allie’s training, I had set ground rules with my family regarding basic processes and how to give consistent messages, etc, and make it fun. They then concentrated on fetching basics and repetition and I worked on pushing the envelope with blind retrieves, hunting “dead”, doubles, hand signals, etc. I felt like Allie was solid and ready for the weekend, but opening day of dove season – with the confusion of multiple shooters, more than one dove down at a time and other distractions – can test even a more experienced dog, so I was still a bit nervous as we headed out. To complicate matters, this would also be my son and daughter’s first time hunting doves. So I had a young dog and two young hunters all to manage on one of the most hectic days of the season!
Well, I could write at-length about the performance of all three. My kids not only had a blast, but were very safe and actually turned out to be pretty good shots. My son even doubled-up on two birds with his 20 ga SxS, but sis beat him in total numbers so both were happy. But Allie was probably the stand-out of the bunch. From the start, she was marking doves down, crossing through fences and across ditches to make the retrieves, and bringing the doves back to hand. About the only real correction I had to make was to strongly enforce the “whoa, no bird!” command when – much to her and my disappointment – I missed. But even with this new situation, by mid-morning she was beginning to tell on her own whether the bird actually fell. By the second day she had become almost invisible, in that very few commands were required. She sat or stood close, she waited to see if the bird actually fell, and she marked down and retrieved without being prompted. And I do think she lives for the “dead bird” command, because the pure joy she exhibits plowing through bunch grass and coming out with a bird in her mouth is impressive to watch.
Of course, pride of ownership could be affecting my judgment, but my father has seen countless dogs hunt over the years and his comment was “I just can’t believe she’s that solid at 10 months”. Also, two other hunters that were positioned across the field came over to ask about her and wanted to be put on the list if I ever decided to breed her! (I did give them your info, by the way.)
It was great weekend, and Allie is a great dog. I have attached a few pictures so you can see how she’s matured. I’m already looking forward to the quail, pheasant and duck seasons, and I’ll keep you posted.